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PRP Specialist

BBC Health

Family Medicine & Chiropractic located in Lewisville, TX

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy has numerous applications in today’s ever-evolving medical field. At BBC Health in Lewisville, Texas, the expert chiropractic and medical team often recommends PRP as part of your complete treatment plan to help accelerate the healing process after an injury or a chronic condition. Platelet-rich plasma comes from your own blood and contains a high concentration of growth factors. These growth-factor proteins promote healing for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including Achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, and ligament injuries. Can PRP can help reduce your pain and inflammation? Call to schedule an appointment or book online.


What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) refers to the protein-rich platelets found in your blood. As a treatment option, PRP harnesses the power of proteins from your blood to ignite and accelerate healing after an injury. PRP injections can also help reduce painful symptoms associated with degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis.

Through a simple blood draw, your medical provider collects a sample of your blood and processes it in a high-speed centrifuge. This allows the protein-rich platelets to separate from the other components in your blood. Once there’s a high concentration of platelet-rich plasma, your provider injects the solution into the area surrounding a damaged or diseased joint.

What conditions can PRP help improve?

PRP promotes new cell growth and healing in a variety of applications, from dermatology to musculoskeletal conditions. The team at BBC Health sometimes recommends PRP injections to help improve painful symptoms that come from musculoskeletal conditions, including:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Chronic tendon injuries, such as jumper’s knee (patellar tendinitis)
  • Acute ligament and muscle injuries
  • Knee osteoarthritis

When you receive PRP injections in an injured area of your body, they potentially reduce inflammation, heal tissue, and increase mobility over time. PRP injections are an ideal option for men and women who want to take a more conservative, nonsurgical treatment approach.

How long does it take for PRP to work?

PRP injections promote your body’s healing response and new tissue growth, so you may not notice immediate pain relief or reduced symptoms. However, as your body responds to the platelet-rich plasma and begins healing damaged tissue, your body also generates new cell growth. This is a result of the high concentration of proteins in the damaged or diseased area.

Over time, you notice an improvement in your injured or damaged joint, ligament, or muscle. Typically, this takes several weeks to a few months. With PRP injections, your body usually heals more quickly than you could expect if you didn’t receive PRP injections.

If you have a chronic condition or an acute injury and wish to take a nonsurgical treatment approach, PRP injections may be able to help. Are you a good candidate for this cutting-edge treatment option? Call BBC Health today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment using the convenient online booking tool.