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What is Runner's Knee?

Runner's Knee

Runner’s Knee

As the name suggests, Runner’s Knee is a common ailment among runners, but it can also strike any athlete who does activities that require a lot of knee-bending – like walking, biking, and jumping.  It usually causes aching pain around the kneecap. 

Runner’s Knee isn’t really a condition itself.  It’s a loose term for several specific disorders with different causes. The most common official term is patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Runner’s knee can result from:

Whatever is required depends on the degree of Runner’s Knee presented, and that is why it is important to have a team of doctors that is able to identify the root injury.  At BBC Health in Lewisville, Texas, we know how to identify, treat, or refer in the proper direction for Runner’s Knee injuries.  Contact us today to see how we can keep you running and staying active!

Dr. Matthew Gilbert

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